INCAE Masters Executive Education Knowledge Donations

How to positively influence your team’s results?

Fecha: Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
Hora: 7:00 PM
Evento: Conference
País: Guatemala (Antigua)
Ubicación: Porta Hotels La Antigua
Costo: No cost, limited availability

How to positively influence your team’s results?

Mode: Presential

Presenter: Alberto Ulloa

Develop a strategic vision and commercial leadership to achieve your company’s goals.

In this conference, you will learn the basics to lead high-impact teams and apply corporate strategies to increase competitiveness. We will talk about:

- Competencies you
must-have as a leader.
- Fundamental
leadership practices.
- Effective ways to manage and
improve your team's performance.

The speaker, Alberto Ulloa, has extensive experience leading multidisciplinary teams in Latin America and developing successful business strategies for major companies like The Coca Cola Company and Laureate Education.


Date: Wednesday, March 13th, 2019
Time: 7:00 PM
Event: Conference
Country: Guatemala (Antigua)
Location: Porta Hotels La Antigua
Price: No cost, limited availability

Alberto Ulloa

Alberto Ulloa is a Chemical Engineer and holds an MBA with an emphasis in Marketing from the National University (USA). He has extensive experience working in multinationals, where he has led multidisciplinary teams and developed successful business strategies. He had important positions at The Coca Cola Company for more than 20 years and was President for Central America at Laureate Education. He currently serves as Executive Director of MBA Programs at INCAE Business School.